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ACI for Freight Forwarders (eHBL)

Table of Contents

The third phase of the Advance Commercial Information ACI eManifest requires all carriers to submit electronic house bill data to the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA). Freight forwarders are also required to transmit supplementary cargo reports for FROB (Freight Remaining on Board) shipments. Like supplementary cargo reports, house bills provide more detailed information to customs about consolidated shipments.

Marine house bills or supplementary cargo reports must be submitted 24 hours prior to loading or arrival, while air house bills and supplementary cargo reports must be submitted four hours prior to arrival. For air and marine shipments with freight remaining on board (FROB), freight forwarders must submit supplementary cargo reports. House bills are not required when supplementary cargo report is submitted for FROB shipments (air and marine modes only).

Freight Forwarders are responsible for ensuring that all data submitted to the CBSA are true, accurate and complete. Freight forwarders must also maintain books and records and present them to the CBSA if requested.

The CBSA is expected to require freight forwarders to submit advance electronic house bill data or supplementary cargo reports within the specific timeframes starting December 11, 2015. Non-monetary penalties will be issued for non-compliance for six months, after which monetary penalties will be issued by June 2016.


CrimsonLogic eHBL for Freight Forwarders

To avoid problems and delays at the border, freight forwarders should start preparing for the filing of advance ACI house bill/supplementary cargo reports as early as possible. CrimsonLogic offers eHBL as a paperless solution for  bill of lading/cargo report filing. eHBL is a simple, easy-to-use filing solution that can be accessed from anywhere in the world through a web browser, any device with an internet connection, secure email and other methods. With eHBL, CrimsonLogic helps forwarders ensure that house bills and cargo reports are accurate, complete and submitted to the CBSA within the specific time frames.


Related Pages:

ACI e-HBL Portal

ACI eManifest e-HBL

Canada ACI Ocean

ACI eManifest Phase III: Canada eManifest House Bill Data & Supplementary Cargo Reports

ACI housebill eManifest: Bill of Lading for Freight Forwarders

Canada ACI eManifest Highway

ACI eManifest Air

Canada ACI Marine


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