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Simplifying the Filing Process with eManifest EDI Integration

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EDI or Electronic Data Interchange is a direct method of sending eManifest information to the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA). Data can be transmitted online, through a public network, through a secure computer-to-computer connection like File Transfer Protocol (FTP), and other methods. If you are working with a third party service provider, eManifest EDI integration can simplify the filing process by reducing manual keying and errors. EDI integration can be full or partial depending on your business needs.

Full Integration

Full eManifest EDI Integration is a program connected to your ERP system. In this case, the third party does not provide software; instead, manifest information is sent, processed and received from your customized in-house system. Full integration is ideal for larger, more established businesses handling large volumes of shipments per day.

Partial Integration

Partial eManifest EDI integration is a system wherein the carrier partially fills out the required data fields about cargo and conveyance. Human validation may be required to complete the forms using the service provider’s software. Once the form is complete, it is validated and sent to customs. The response from CBSA is then forwarded to your ERP or order entry system. Partial integration benefits include fewer errors, reduced manual keying efforts, record storage and backup on third party systems, and lower initial investment.

Partial EDI integration is recommended for businesses handling 20 or more contracts of carriage (or international shipments) per day and businesses that are unable to key in shipment data from scratch. Partial integration is ideal in this scenario because of its lower cost and faster integration time. Other requirements for partial EDI integration is an ERP or freight system that can export data and the ability to review data generated by the software.

With Canada eManifest EDI integration provided by a third party, carriers can save on upfront communication and hardware costs while ensuring the accuracy and timeliness of their eManifests.

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