US electronic manifest 10 + 2 ISF or US Importer Security Filing “10 + 2” is a new regulation that requires importers and carriers to submit certain ocean cargo information in advance to U.S. Customs and Border Protection.
“10 + 2” refers to the 10 data elements required to be submitted by importers and 2 data elements for carriers. Carriers and importers must submit the additional information to CBP at least 24 hours before cargo is loaded onto an ocean vessel bound for or passing through the United States.
Required data elements to be submitted for US electronic manifest 10 + 2 ISF:
For importers:
1. Ship to name and address
2. Manufacturer or supplier name and address
3. Buyer Name & Address
4. Seller Name & Address
5. Consolidator Name & Address
6. Container stuffing Location
7. Country of origin
8. Importer of record number/FTZ applicant identification number
9. Consignee number/s
10. 6-digit commodity harmonized tariff schedule number
For carriers:
1. Container status messages
2. Vessel stow plan
For freight remaining on board (FROB), IE (Immediate Exportation) and T&E (Transportation and Exportation) shipments:
1. Ship to party
2. Booking party
3. Foreign port of unlading
4. Place of delivery
5. Commodity harmonized tariff schedule number
US Importer Security Filing “10 + 2” was created for security reasons. It was intended to prevent terrorist weapons and other items that pose a threat from being transported into the U.S. by ocean vessels. Transmission of ocean cargo data before the cargo is loaded onto a vessel at a foreign port helps CBP officials better identify dangerous shipments while speeding up the movement of low-risk and legitimate cargo. To assess their compliance with ISF requirements, CBP issues report cards to importers. The report cards can be accessed through ACE. Importers should take advantage of these report cards to evaluate the timeliness and accuracy of submitted information.
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