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ACI Highway Canada Emanifest Faq with Crimsonlogic

Table of Contents

On May 6, 2015, the CBSA announced the much anticipated mandatory date for ACI eManifest. As you may have heard, ACI eManifest filing will be mandatory for highway carriers when entering Canada effectiveJuly 10, 2015. In an effort to ensure that your compliance with the new regulations is as painless as possible, we would like to invite you to join us for an informative FAQ session.

If you’re looking for more information on how to get started, or if you are all set up but just need a quick refresher, these sessions will provide a useful overview of all key concepts we feel are most important for our clients.

Topics include:

·         How to apply for a Canadian carrier code

·         How to register with the CBSA for ACI

·         Implementation timelines

·         An examination of the major differences between ACE and ACI

·         Where to find resources for further help

·         Quick walkthrough of our ACI portal

While we aim to address the most commonly asked questions, we look forward to an open discussion addressing any comments or concerns you may have. To register for FREE, simply click on one of the dates below for your preferred session:

•    Wednesday, May 20, 2015 @ 11:00AM
•    Wednesday, June 03, 2015 @ 11:00AM
•    Wednesday, June 17, 2015 @ 11:00AM

You may also complete the FREE registration by filling out the short form on our contact us page.

Additional information on the regulatory amendments supporting the CBSA eManifest initiative can be found in the Canada Gazette Part II published on May 6, 2015.

Related Pages:

Simplifying the Filing Process with eManifest EDI Integration

CBSA eManifest Processing

Canada eManifest: Highway Shipments Made Easy

Mandatory Electronic Notification of Cargo Arrival FAQ with CrimsonLogic

ACI for Freight Forwarders (eHBL)

ACI eManifest Phase III: Canada eManifest House Bill Data & Supplementary Cargo Reports

ACI housebill eManifest: Bill of Lading for Freight Forwarders

Canada ACI eManifest Highway

ACI eManifest Air

Canada ACI Marine 


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