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Benefits of Using Electronic Air Waybill

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To be considered e-freight, air cargo must be accompanied by electronic Air Waybills (eAWB).  The Air Waybill (AWB) is an air cargo document that serves as a contract of carriage between the forwarder (the party sending the shipment) and the carrier or airline.  The eAWB is a digital version of the printed master AWB that eliminates the need for paper forms, including printing and archiving of documents.  The air logistics industry can also further streamline and enhance operation efficiencies through the implementation of eAWB.

The shipper and carrier exchanges eAWBs messages using EDI (Electronic Data Interchange).  To send eAWB to an airline, the forwarder must first ensure that they can exchange EDI messages in the appropriate formats.  CrimsonLogic’s eAWB solution allows forwarders to connect easily to over 90 airlines.  After registering an account with CrimsonLogic, the forwarder signs the IATA Multilateral eAWB Agreement and connects to the airline through the eAWB portal.

Why Use Electronic Air Waybill

CrimsonLogic electronic Air Waybill solution benefits forwarders, airlines and airfreight agents by:

* Improving accuracy.  With the eAWB data comes directly from the forwarder or airfreight agent, the information is accurate and up to date.  Agents can make last-minute changes to the data in real time up until cargo arrives at the station.

* Reducing costs.  As eAWB is a paperless solution, clients can reduce document processing and storage costs as well as document transportation costs to and from the forwarder to airline, and from warehouse to flight.

Increasing productivity.  eAWB eliminates redundant data entry, the need for manual comparison between paper AWB and system data, and manual filing and storage of documents.  All parties can access accurate information quickly and move cargo as scheduled, eliminating waiting times.

Faster transmission and processing.  eAWB can reduce total cycle time by up to 24 hours.  It speeds up the clearance process at Customs and allows forwarders and carriers to send and receiverelevant information ahead of the cargo arrival.

To learn more, please visit CrimsonLogic’s eAWB page.  Or send us a message on our contact us page. 

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