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American grocery shelves overflow with foods and fresh fruits from every corner of the globe. The...

For importers, an understanding of the different types of U.S. shipments is required to make trade...

American businesses or individuals that export merchandise are likely familiar with the Automated Export System (AES)....

Canada’s Advance Commercial Information (ACI) eManifest initiative is taking cross border trade into the digital age....

Exporters that move goods out of the United States report shipments using the Automated Export System...

The Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) eManifest program is part of the U.S. government’s initiative to increase...

The Automated Export System (AES) sends a message to every filer of export shipment information to...

In a world where people are more connected than ever and technology informs every aspect of...

The eManifest US initiative is in full swing, and all carriers crossing the border are now...

The Pre-Arrival Review System (PARS) is the most common shipment type for commercial goods transported by...

All carriers entering the United States must complete and submit electronic manifest (eManifest) data to Customs...

What is EEI The Electronic Export Information (EEI) is a comprehensive digital record of all pertinent...

The most common shipment type or method of transportation for commercial goods crossing the United States...

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