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Canada eManifest: Highway Shipments Made Easy

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Highway carriers travelling into Canada must send information about their cargo and conveyance electronically to border officers at least an hour before arrival. Penalty for non-compliance is heavy: denial of entry and non-monetary penalties as of 2015, and monetary penalties starting January 10, 2016. The risk of delays and fines as a result of failure to send accurate and timely e-manifest information is not the only issue for carriers; turning back without delivering precious cargo means lost time and revenues.

To reduce risks and simplify the highway shipment process, it’s good to work with an eManifest service provider that knows the ins-and-outs of cross-border trade. Canada eManifest service providers are businesses that help highway carriers and trucking services comply with the new requirements at border crossings. Here are some of the ways an emanifest provider can facilitate highway shipments and help your company:

Expedite the collection and processing of information.

The eManifest portal is a useful website that allows carriers to enter manifest information and send them to customs officials. However, the system can be time consuming and complicated to operate. An eManifest service provider helps expedite the submission and processing of information, while ensuring that filing requirements are accurately followed.

Set up Costs

It can be expensive to develop an eManifest Portal system internally, particularly for smaller companies that engage in cross-border trade only occasionally. 

Ensure accurate eManifest information.

eManifest service providers have stringent quality controls in place and knowledgeable personnel to ensure that transmitted carrier information is always accurate.

Learn more by visiting our ACI eManifest page.


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eManifest Highway

eManifest Air

eManifest Marine

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