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Section 321 eManifest

Last Updated: Nov. 30, 2019 As of January 1, 2019, highway carriers entering the United States with Section 321 shipments are required to file an ACE eManifest for the Shipment

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ACE eManifest Requirements for U.S. (CBP)

ACE eManifest requirements for U.S. (CBP) introduce electronic filing of cargo and conveyance information via the Automated Commercial Environment (ACE), CBP’s Single Window for transactions between the government and trading

E-commerce international shipping – what works best for small businesses

United States Export Management Process

The United States export management process, using Automated Export System (AES), is ideal for businesses looking to streamline export processing and improve regulatory compliance. The Export management system can be

E-commerce international shipping – what works best for small businesses

Canada Import Management Process

Canada import management process is used by importers, customs brokers, carriers, freight forwarders and other trade participants to streamline customs processing and facilitate shipment release. Canada import management process is

E-commerce international shipping – what works best for small businesses

AES Filing Solution

A dedicated Automated Export System (AES) filing solution is the best option for large businesses and high-volume exporters. Exporters may develop an AES filing solution in-house or purchase AES filing

E-commerce international shipping – what works best for small businesses

Automated Export System (AES) Features and Benefits

Exporters or their authorized agents are required to submit Electronic Export Information (EEI), including applicable licenses, permits and exceptions, to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and the U.S.

Truck eManifest

The truck eManifest (electronic manifest) program is part of the trade modernization initiative of governments around the world, including the United States and Canada. A truck electronic manifest is the digital

Canadian Customs Compliance Software

ACI eManifest is the third phase of the Canada Border Services Agency’s (CBSA) Advance Commercial Information Program (ACI). ACI is a modernization of Canada’s trade processing systems, with the goal

Border Crossing ACE eManifest

The border crossing ACE eManifest requirement has been mandatory for carriers in all modes of transport since May 2015. Highway, rail, marine and air carriers must transmit electronic cargo and

Houston, we have a problem!

We are currently fixing this spaceship, so you might experience a bumpy flight.