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CrimsonLogic Accelerates Cross Border Trade

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In a world where people are more connected than ever and technology informs every aspect of business and daily life, global trade and supply chains are struggling to keep up with rapid change. Many organizations lack the systems and processes to thrive in this highly dynamic environment. Majority of trade professionals across all regions expect trade to become more complex in the next 3 to 5 years. Clearly, there is no better time than the present to find global trade and customs management solutions.

GeTS Accelerates Cross Border Trade

According to the 2016 Global Trade Management Survey report by Thomson Reuters and KPMG International, the top three challenges for global businesses are navigating through complex and changing cross-border regulatory requirements, limited automation, and inefficient processes. Trade participants require new tools to leverage opportunities and optimize workflows, making partnerships with IT and logistics service providers like CrimsonLogic critical to success.

CrimsonLogic is the answer to the increasing complexity of global trade. CrimsonLogic brings together leading-edge technology, talent and expertise to make trade easier, accessible, and predictable. CrimsonLogic makes trade:

Accessible by providing a single platform for global trade documentation and regulatory compliance Predictable by auto-populating data fields and improving the accuracy of Customs declaration and by consolidating visibility of trade documentation and clearance status

Easier by providing a single data entry point to overcome the complexity of diverse Customs requirements

Capitalizing on parent company CrimsonLogic’s over 25 years of global trade facilitation experience, CrimsonLogic provides advanced applications that enable clients to save time, reduce costs, facilitate customs processing, and improve regulatory compliance. CrimsonLogic trusted software-as-a-service solutions are smart, intuitive, collaborative, and flexible, helping organizations streamline global trade processing. 


Import Management

Canada      ACI Highway     ACI Air     ACI Ocean      ACI eHBL

                   ACROSS/CADEX    RNS WACM    ARL    D4 Notices

Japan         JapanAFR

USA            ACE Highway     ACE Air     ACE Ocean     ISF “10+2”     FDA PNSI

Singapore   TradeWeb Live!     TradeWeb Integrator   PRR (Permit Reconciliation Report)

Export Management

USA             AES Export

Singapore   Certificate of Origin

Global         eAWB

Global Trade Processing     “FAX2US” eManifest Processing“     FAX2US” ePermit Declaration


·         10.5 million global trade transactions per year and growing

·         163,000 connected parties globally

·         US$794 billion worth of global trade transactions per year and growing

·         426 million tonnes of global trade cargo per year and growing

As the world gets smaller and more complex, CrimsonLogic makes everything simpler.  Discover how easy and efficient cross-border trade management can be. Visit the CrimsonLogic site today!

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