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CrimsonLogic Global eTrade & Trade Facilitation Services

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CrimsonLogic is a global eTrade services provider with extensive experience working with companies in both the public and private sectors. Regulatory agencies as well as shippers, customs brokers, freight forwarders and exporters/importers rely on our innovative services to facilitate accurate and timely trade facilitation such as ACI highway Canada eManifest filing and ensure that goods reach their destinations on time.

Trade Facilitation

CrimsonLogic eTrade products are being used every day by organizations worldwide. Some of our innovations include Fax2EDI that cuts down paperwork for highway carriers and eManifest filing tools for all modes of transport. We support U.S. and Canada eManifest filing or processing as well as electronic house bill and importer security filing.

CrimsonLogic also offers the TradeWeb platform to allow users to transmit trade declarations to Singapore Customs and other Singapore regulatory entities. Within minutes, users can complete trade and cargo declaration transmission activities from launch to printing of cargo clearance permits (CCPs). Other TradeWeb functionalities include the ability to download permits and generate reports in PDF format. 

Global eTrade Services

CrimsonLogic provides comprehensive eTrade services to users in the USA, Canada, Japan, Singapore and Panama. With over two decades of experience in global and Singapore eTrade, CrimsonLogic has in depth understanding of local agencies and regulations, allowing its trade chain partners to streamline customs processes.

Among our global eTrade services are end-to-end and cloud-based solutions that facilitate business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-government (B2G) trade communications. With CrimsonLogic eTrade services, companies can save time, reduce costs significantly, access the latest technology and drive process efficiency.

Our trade facilitation services also help reduce paperwork with electronic communication and filing processes, improve data security through PKI and other industry-leading technologies, and improve customer satisfaction.

Related Pages:

Canada eManifest

Singapore Tradeweb

Japan Advance Firing Rules (AFR)

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