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SJK Global, Inc. Boosts Import Clearance Rates by 80%

Customs clearance rates

“CrimsonLogic’s IID solution has been instrumental in streamlining our import declaration process. Since adopting this user-friendly software, we’ve significantly reduced the time needed for filing and submitting import declarations to CBSA by 80%, resulting in faster shipment clearances.”

Shaukat J. Khan
Director, SJK Global, Inc.


Client: SJK Global, Inc. – A licensed Canadian customs broker

Products Used: CrimsonLogic Integrated Import Declaration (IID)


Timely importation of goods into Canada. 


CrimsonLogic Integrated Import Declaration (IID) enables fuss-free clearance for Canada-bound shipments. 


  • CrimsonLogic IID revolutionized SJK Global’s import clearance process.
  • They were able to receive timely notifications on the shipment’s acceptance and release status from CBSA.
  • Prompt alerts for B3 form submission.
  • Enhanced record-keeping capabilities.
  • Uninterrupted RNS transmissions.
  • All these factors drove operational efficiencies and ensured that SJK Global was compliant with CBSA’s regulations. 

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