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USA Node – 02 Integration Overview

Integration Data Specifications #

DATATX is loosely coupled in terms of customer to partner connectivity. It provides multiple channels for customers to submit data to DATATX (e.g. sftp, web portal, webservice etc.). As well as it can connect to different partner system (direct or through partners) over different channels.

DATATX Input Format Specification

Being lose coupled also makes DATATX not to enforce customers or partners to adhere to any specific data format. It can accept multiple range of data types. E.g. XML, XLSX, CSV, EDI etc. from both customers and partners.

For Customers:
Typically for Trade data submission, there could be multiple data sources (i.e. files e.g. Commercial Invoice, Packing List, Bill of Lading etc.) that customers may transmit to DATATX. During a customer onboarding these details are generally being setup.

For Partners:
In terms of request submission, DATATX can follow the format and naming convention of the partner.

However, for correlation between a request & its response, DATATX will append a 16-digit Transaction ID either at the beginning or at the end of the request filename. This Transaction ID is unique, and customer / partner can track the status of any transaction through it inside DATATX system.

For each of the submissions, DATATX can support multiple responses its partners. However, DATATX will require partner to retain and append the 16-digit Transaction ID to the respective responses.

Interface Specifications #

WS Specification #

Service Name Request Type/ Header / Body & Response Purpose
Request Type: POST

HTTP Header: Refer web service specification for more details
Content Type: application/json
Service-Name: XBSServiceRequest
xbs-api-key: {Unique token generated for each user’s and validity can be configured}

    "messageType": "DEC",
    "documentType": "DEC",
    "routeId": //Provide By DATATX,
    "attachment": {
        "numberOfFiles": //noOfFiles,
        "files": [{
            "File": {
                "fileName": //fileName,
                "fileSize": //fileSize,
                "base64": //Base64FileContent

Declaration submission
Request Type: POST

HTTP Header:
Content Type : application/json
Service-Name: XBSServiceRequest
xbs-api-key: {Unique token generated for each user’s and validity can be configured}

    "messageType": "DEC",
    "documentType": "SUPP",
    "routeId": //Provide By DATATX,
    "attachment": {
        "numberOfFiles": //noOfFiles,
        "files": [{
            "File": {
                "fileName": //fileName,
                "fileSize": // fileSize,
                "base64": //Base64FileContent

Supporting Document submission
Request Type: GET

HTTP Header:
Content Type : application/json
Service-Name: XBSStatusRequest
xbs-api-key: {Unique token generated for each user’s and validity can be configured}

    "documentRefNo": //docRefNo,
    "transactionId": //tranID
Transaction Status Query
Request Type: POST

HTTP Header:
Content Type : application/json
Service-Name: XBSSubStatusRequest
xbs-api-key: {Unique token generated for each user’s and validity can be configured}

    "documentRefNo": //docRefNo,
    "transactionId": //tranID,
    "subStatus" : //statusToUpdate
Sub-status Update for submitted and response-received transactions
Request Type: POST

HTTP Header:
Content Type : application/json
Service-Name: XBSFilesRequest
xbs-api-key: {Unique token generated for each user’s and validity can be configured}

    "documentRefNo": //docRefNo,
    "transactionId": //tranID
Download files
Request Type: POST

HTTP Header:
Content Type : application/json
Service-Name: XBSAllFilesRequest
xbs-api-key: {Unique token generated for each user’s and validity can be configured}

    "fromDate": //from date,
    "toDate": //to date
Download files for transactions within a date range
Request Type: POST

HTTP Header:
Content Type : application/json
Service-Name: XBSServiceRequest
xbs-api-key: {Unique token generated for each user’s and validity can be configured}

    "messageType": "RESR",
    "documentType": //documentType,
    "transactionId": //tranID,
    "documentRefNo": //docRefNo,
    "routeId": //Provided By DATATX,
    "attachment": {
        "numberOfFiles": //noOfFiles,
        "files": [{
                "File": {
                    "fileName": //fileName,
                    "fileSize": //fileSize,
                    "base64": //Base64FileContent

Request Response files
API Flows #

Submission flow #

In the JSON Payload, there are 2 types of files can be shared.

  1. JSON message -The details can be shared in the JSON structure for each declaration.
  2. Excel – The details can be filled in a excel sheet and sent over the API.

Response request flow #

To get the response of the message submitted. Customer needs to call response API endpoint with the Txn ID they got in the request flow.

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