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FAQ 12 – What is a Cargo Control Number (CCN)?

A Cargo Control Number (CCN) identifies a Highway Cargo or House Bill Cargo Document that represents the initial record of a shipment that will arrive in Canada and enables the CBSA to control the movement of imported goods. The CCN is a unique reference number that can be up to 25 characters and contain both numbers and letters assigned by the carrier or freight forwarder. The CCN must begin with the CBSA-issued Carrier Code (already hard-coded in the field). Note: If release document(s) are being prepared, please ensure the CCN provided to the broker/importer matches perfectly.For example: If the shipment’s bar-coded PARS number presented by the carrier at the border is “1234PARS56789”, then the CCN electronically transmitted prior to arrival must also be “1234PARS56789”.

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