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SG Node – 02 Integration Web Services API

Interface Specifications #

Customers are required to provide trade data according to the specifications provided in the subsequent sections (below) by invoking the web services. Details of the web services will be made available to the Customer upon registration.

WS Specification #

Service Name Request Purpose
Request Type: POST

Request headers:
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
service-name: CRFDirectSubmission
xbs-api-key: {Unique token generated for each user’s and validity can be configured}

Request body:
    "messageType": "DEC",
    "documentType": "DEC",
    "routeId": ,
    "data": {
           // JSON Message	
Create Regulatory Submission
Request Type: POST

Request headers:
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
service-name: CRFSupportDocsSubmission
xbs-api-key: {Unique token generated for each user’s and validity can be configured}

Request body:
    "messageType": "DEC",
    "documentType": " SUPP",
    " transactionId": < Transaction Id >,
    "attachment": {
        "numberOfFiles": ,
        "files": [
                "fileName": "ETTx001_xx.PDF",
                "base64": // Base64 encoded files data
Submit support documentations for already created regulatory submission
Request Type: GET

HTTP Header:
Content Type: application/json
Service-Name: CRFReceiveResponse
xbs-api-key: {Unique token generated for each user’s and validity can be configured}

    "messageType": "RESR",
    "documentType": "RESR",
    "transactionId": //tranID
Transaction Status Query
API Flows #

Submission flow #

JSON message – The details can be shared in the JSON structure for each declaration.

Response request flow #

To get the response of the message submitted. Customer needs to call response API endpoint with the Transaction ID they got in the request flow.

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