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eManifest Canada: 10 Helpful Points in Choosing the Right ACE ACI Provider for your Business

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Like the U.S. Advance Commercial Environment (ACE) eManifest, Canada’s Advance Commercial Information (ACI) eManifest requires highway and rail carriers, freight forwarders and importers/brokers to submit cargo and conveyance data, as well as supplementary information to the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) electronically prior arrival or prior loading at the entry port.

Requirements and filing timeframes depend on the mode of transport:

  • Highway and rail carriers must submit cargo and conveyance data electronically to the CBSA 1 hour and 2 hours prior to arrival, respectively.
  • Sea carriers must send eManifest data 24 hours prior to loading or arrival, depending on the types of shipment.
  • Freight forwarders must also send supplementary cargo data (House Bill of Lading or eHBL) and importer self-filers or their brokers must send advance importer data to the CBSA.

eManifest Canada: 10 Helpful Points in Choosing the Right ACE ACI Provider for your Business

When fully implemented, eManifest will be mandatory for all modes of transport – airseahighway and rail.

eManifest Canada Filing

There are various ways to transmit advance cargo data to the CBSA – eManifest Portal, and eManifest filing service or Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) integration from CBSA-approved providers.

Businesses should consider their systems, IT support capabilities, budget, shipment volume and needs before choosing a provider.

It is becoming common for businesses to subscribe to eManifest solutions with CBSA-approved provider as they provide greater customization and integration options.  They allow businesses to access the latest technology, streamline operations, deliver more efficient supply chain solutions, and free up time and resources to focus on core competencies.  To qualify as a CBSA-approved provider, testing of the eManifest software or service for ACI Highway must be completed with CBSA.  Some providers may also offer Customs Self Assessment (CSA) components and interface connectivity with CBSA software.

How to Choose the Right ACI ACE Approved Provider

1.  Check the list of registered software/service providers on the CBSA website.

2. Find out all you need to know about the service provider.

3. Cost of service. The most expensive service is not necessarily the best.  Compare pricing plans, check for flexible options and look for the best plan/option that best fits your needs.  Subscription-based service typically requires low up-front cost.

4.  Quality of service. Check reviews from actual clients about the quality of service.

5.  Technical capabilities. The ideal service provider should have the latest IT systems/tools in place for timely transmission of eManifest data to Customs.

6. Reputation or track record. Choose a service provider that is customer-oriented and financially sound. Check references to ensure you are working with a reputable firm.

7. Industry experience. A new company is not necessarily a bad choice, but an experienced provider knows the ins and outs of the industry.  Most likely, an experienced provider has perfected its eManifest solution, so clients can count on a high level of quality.

8.  Prompt service and communication. Communication is important in the eTrade industry.  Look for 24×7 customer support when choosing an eManifest service provider.

9. Agility and adaptability. A good provider is able to cope with market disruptions.

10. Narrow your list and choose the provider.

CrimsonLogic  ACE and ACI eManifest Provider

CrimsonLogic is a CBSA and U.S. Customs and Border Protection approved provider for ACI and ACE eManifest services.  Its subsidiary,  CrimsonLogic has been chartered to accelerate global trade through worldwide connectivity.  CrimsonLogic works like a global ‘Single Window’ by offering a comprehensive suite of online, on-demand trade facilitation services that helps exporters and importers meet the regulatory and compliance requirements for countries around the world.

Being the developer of the world’s first National Single Window (TradeNet® in Singapore), and backed by an extensive global track record in Trade Facilitation, CrimsonLogic is able to provide best-in-class eManifest solutions for primary shippers, carriers, freight forwarders, importers and Customs brokers.

5 quick facts of CrimsonLogic:

  • One of the first providers to offer solutions compatible with the ACE and ACI systems
  • First company to introduce Fax2EDI service in 2007 to reduce paper-heavy transactions for highway carriers
  • Solutions like ACE Highway, Ocean and Air, Importer Security Filing (ISF), ACI Highway, Ocean and Air, and eHouse Bill helps 5,500 clients globally in regulatory compliance
  • Clients enjoy 24×7 customer service and technical support at no additional cost! (includes expert assistance on Customs compliance issues)
  • Subscribers can choose from web connectivity, fax/email processing or electronic integration with existing in-house system

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ACI e-HBL Portal

The ACI eManifest Portal and your ACE ACI Services Provider

ACI Highway Canada eManifest FAQ

Simplifying the Filing Process with eManifest EDI Integration

CBSA eManifest Processing

Canada eManifest: Highway Shipments Made Easy

Mandatory Electronic Notification of Cargo Arrival FAQ with CrimsonLogic

ACI for Freight Forwarders (eHBL)

ACI eManifest Phase III: Canada eManifest House Bill Data & Supplementary Cargo Reports

ACI housebill eManifest: Bill of Lading for Freight Forwarders

Canada ACI eManifest Highway

ACI eManifest Air

Canada ACI Marine


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