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Category: US Customs

USMCA: Outlook for 2021

Table of Contents: What is the USMCA? e-Commerce Shipments Stronger Border Enforcement Helping Small Business Grow   USMCA & eCommerce: Outlook for 2021 The volume of imports to USMCA countries

Section 321 Fulfillment

Table of Contents:  Section 321 and Type 86 Entries Type 86 Benefits Section 321 Fulfillment Options Benefits of Section 321 Fulfillment Services Should you Outsource Section 321 fulfillment? CrimsonLogic Section

Solutions for High Volume Parcel Imports

Table of Contents:  High Volume Parcel Import Solutions Section 321 Shipments Type 86 ECCF vs. CFS Clearance for High Volume Imports ECCF Clearance CFS Clearance Hybrid Clearance Process Solutions for

Duty Free Entry Type 86 Clearance

Table of Contents  Duty Free Entry Type 86 Clearance: Section 321 Programs Section 321 Data Pilot and Type 86 Clearance Duty Free Entry Type 86 Clearance Requirements Type 86 Filing

Section 321 Ground Handling

Table of Contents: Section 321 Ground Handling & Entry Type 86 Filing Process Release from Manifest Process Section 321 Ground Handling for E-Commerce CrimsonLogic Solutions for Section 321 Ground Handling

How to Clear Express Consignment Carrier Facility (ECCF)...

Table of Contents: What is an Express Consignment Carrier Facility (ECCF)? Express Consignment Carrier Facility eManifest Requirements Formal and Informal Entry Requirements for ECCF Shipments Express Consignment Carrier Facility &

eCommerce Compliance

Table of Contents: Global e-Commerce Boom eCommerce Compliance and Technology e-Commerce Compliance: Low-Value Shipments How CrimsonLogic Can Help with eCommerce Compliance   Global e-commerce continues to expand despite ever-changing and

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We are currently fixing this spaceship, so you might experience a bumpy flight.