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How Can I File ACE eManifest?

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All carriers entering the United States must complete and submit electronic manifest (eManifest) data to Customs and Border Protection (CBP) via Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) before the carrier reaches the first port of arrival in the U.S. eManifest ensures that details of shipments and trips entering the country are known to customs officials before the shipment arrives at the border. Carriers, freight forwarders and importers/brokers file eManifest information using the Automated Commercial Environment, a commercial trade processing system that serves as a single window for data exchange between CPB and the trading community.

How Can I File ACE eManifest?

The ACE eManifest initiative aims to improve the security, safety, compliance and flow of international trade. By assessing advance cargo and conveyance data, customs officials can flag high-risk shipments while facilitating the movement of legitimate goods and correcting administrative issues. eManifest also aims to modernize export manifest process, which is currently time and labor-intensive.


ACE Mandatory Use Dates

On May 1, 2015, filing of eManifest data became mandatory in ACE for all modes of transport (truck, rail, ocean and air). The export manifest functionality for air, ocean and rail are now in pilot modes that will run for about two years. While not mandatory, participation in the pilot phase is encouraged to determine how the changes would impact your business.

There are separate mandatory dates for ACE entry filings, entry summary filings and Partner Government Agency (PGA) filings for different modes of transport and trade partners. While electronic filing is not yet mandatory for these entry types, the trading community should now be filing all available entries electronically in ACE, with or without PGA data.


Important dates to remember for other entry types:

November 1, 2015. Transition period for electronic entry and entry summary filings in ACE for those who submit entry/entry summary data electronically to CBP.

February 28, 2016. CBP starts retiring the legacy Automated Commercial System (ACS) and providing processing priority to ACE entries where corresponding ACS entries are still available.

March 31, 2016. ACE is mandatory for filers of electronic entries and entry summaries associated with entry types 01, 03, 11, 23, 51, and 52 without PGA data and with Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) Lacey Act or National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) data, unless paired with other PGA data on the same transaction.

May 28, 2016. ACE is mandatory for filers of electronic entries/entry summaries associated with entry types 01, 03, 11, 23 and 52 without PGA data, entry type 06 without quota merchandise or Antidumping and Countervailing Duty (AD/CVD), entry type 06 without PGA data, and entry type 06 with APHIS Lacey Act or NHTSA data, unless paired with other PGA data on the same transaction.

June 15, 2016. ACE is mandatory for filers of electronic entries/entry summaries associated with entry types 01, 03, 06, 11, 23, 51 and 52 with Food and Drug Administration (FDA), APHIS Lacey Act or NHTSA data.

July 23, 2016. ACE is mandatory for filers of electronic entries/entry summaries associated with entry types 01, 02, 03, 06, 07, 11, 12, 21, 22, 23, 31, 32, 34, 38, 51 and 52. All filings with Federal Communication Commissions (FCC) data will be rejected in ACE.

October 1, 2016. All additional electronic cargo data must be filed through ACE. This includes reconciliation, drawback, liquidation data, protest, and others. Clients must ensure that their systems can file required electronic data in ACE.

How to File ACE eManifest

ACE eManifest is a mandatory program for all carriers crossing U.S. land borders. Carriers, brokers, importer self-filers, and software providers can all file manifest information to CBP via electronic data interchange (EDI). All eManifests must be submitted via EDI, except for electronic truck manifests that can be submitted to CBP via the ACE Secure Data Portal. To access the Secure Data Portal, clients need a computer, web browser, and broadband Internet connection. CBP also recommends a PDF file viewer and spreadsheet software (such as Microsoft Word and Excel) to open files.

CBP sends notifications via email or SMS to clients who submit electronic manifests. Those who receive the “accepted” status message can cross the border one hour later or half an hour later for FAST carriers. At the border, drivers must present their ACE cover sheet. The CBP officer will retrieve the eManifest information and match it with the broker submission. Depending on the direction, the officer will release the truck at primary or refer to secondary for further processing. If you receive a “rejected” message, you must correct the problem and resubmit the request. The driver can cross the border once all entry numbers have been assigned to individual shipments and when the manifest shows “accepted.”

Export eManifest Filing

All electronic export manifests must be filed through ACE. However, paper filing is still allowed, as there is currently no regulatory requirement to file export manifests electronically. That said, you may want to consider filing manifests electronically because of the following benefits:

·         Advance validation of the Internal Transaction Number (ITN)

·         Advance notification of holds before loading

·         Automatic closing out of in-bond transactions with one departure message

·         Import and Export Manifest filing

·         Entry and entry summary filing

·         Remote Location Filing (RLF) for all ACE entry summaries

·         Ability to correct information

·         Electronic census warnings and overrides

eManifest Filing Exceptions

eManifest is mandatory for most carriers and shipments crossing U.S. land borders, with some exceptions. The following shipments are exempt from the advance electronic filing requirement for incoming cargo:

·         Cargo in transit from point to point in the United States after transiting Canada or Mexico

·         Merchandise which may be informally entered on Customs and Border Protection Form (CBPF) 368 or 368A, Cash Collection or Receipt

·         Merchandise unconditionally or conditionally free that does not exceed $2,500 in value

·         Products of the United States being returned

·         Trucks consisting solely of merchandise that is subject to the provisions of 19 U.S.C. Code 1321

·         Shipments consisting solely of Instruments of International Traffic (IIT) eligible for release under 19 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 10.41

·         International mail shipments via contract carrier from a foreign postal service to the USPS

·         A delivery ticket for movement to a CBP approved bonded warehouse or a direct Foreign Trade Zone Shipments imported for the Department of Defense using 19 CFR 10.102/103 as a release mechanism

·         Carnets

·         Carriers may report empty trucks or cabs via e-Manifest, but it is not a requirement

ACE eManifest Data Transmission Options

Before submitting data to ACE, clients should understand the processes and rules governing electronic data filing. The primary method of electronic information transfer is EDI. The ACE Secure Data Portal is mainly for running reports and managing accounts, but carriers can also submit electronic truck manifests through the portal.


Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)

EDI is a means of information exchange from one computer system to another. Filers can use the EDI system to transmit import and export data electronically to CBP. Filings submitted via EDI are linked to ACE and all CPB systems. Because of direct data exchange, clients can receive cargo notifications faster. Clients that want to use EDI can become a self-filer, contract a service center or use a CBP-approved software provider. All EDI systems must test with CBP to ensure that programming is correct and the systems are able to exchange messages with CBP.


ACE Secure Data Portal

The ACE Portal is a web-based access point that connects trade participants and other government agencies with CBP. Users can access custom or preset reports for operations monitoring or compliance evaluation. The ACE Portal can also be used to submit truck import manifests. All other manifests must be submitted through EDI.

Virtual Private Network (VPN) Connectivity

Trade participants can also exchange messages through ACE using one of four communication methods:

·         Public Internet Cisco VPN/MQ Series

·         Verizon or AT&T Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) VPN a private Cisco VPN/MQSeries solution

·         Service Center

·         VAN (value-added network)

If you’ve never used EDI to send eManifest information to CBP, the first step is to contact a CBP Client

Representative. Client Representatives help importers, exporters, brokers and transportation providers with testing, communication and participation with CBP’s automated systems. Representatives are also the point of contact for clients for system-related issues.

CrimsonLogic ACE eManifest Service

CrimsonLogic is a CBP-approved service provider that offers best-in-class ACE eManifest solutions to the trading community. When ACE Highway was introduced in 2007, CrimsonLogic was the first to market with the revolutionary Fax2Us service that helped carriers significantly reduce paperwork and improve efficiency. With over 25 years of trade facilitation experience as software as a service vendor, CrimsonLogic has a deep understanding of the industry and international trade.

Global eTrade Solutions include eManifest processing services for:

Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) Highway

Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) Ocean

Automated Commercial Environment (ACE) Air

Importer Security Filing (ISF)


CrimsonLogic eManifest service features a secure corporate account for enterprise users, 24/7 customer support and expert assistance on customs compliance processes, easy-to-use application that saves time by reducing data entry, report generation to track and analyze cargo movements, advanced integration options, and multiple plans and connectivity options. Subscribers can choose a web service for convenient access, electronic processing via fax or email, or integration with in-house software systems to stream data from multiple sources to a single transaction. Visit our website to learn more about ACE ABI, ACE Highway, ACE Air, ACE Ocean and ISF .

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