The Automated Export System (AES) sends a message to every filer of export shipment information to indicate whether the information is accepted or rejected. For accepted shipments, the filer receives an Internal Transaction Number (ITN). Filers of rejected shipments, however, receive Fatal Error messages.
A Fatal Error message is sent when the filer has reported missing or invalid information, or when the information is not on file in AES, indicating that the Electronic Export Information (EEI) has been rejected. Fatal errors must be corrected as early as possible and the EEI must be resubmitted before shipments can be exported.
It is the U.S. Principal Party in Interest (USPPI) or their authorized agent who is responsible for submitting accurate EEI to the Census Bureau and other government agencies via AES ACE, as well as any changes or cancellations to EEI filings as soon as they are known. Failure to correct the EEI is a violation of regulations and may lead to monetary penalties.
There are many ways to address fatal errors in AES. The appropriate response to the error notification depends on the error code. If you are unsure how to respond to the error message, consult the AES Trade Interface Requirements (AESTIR)
Appendix A to find the error code and resolution.
Amendment to AES Transaction
If the correction is appropriate, AES will send the ITN to confirm that the shipment has been accepted. The ITN must be received before export for pre-departure filers or within 10 days after export for post-departure filers. Corrections to post-departure cargo data must be resubmitted not later than five days after the date of export. For pre-departure shipments, failure to respond to fatal error messages before export is a violation of CBP regulations and may lead to penalties. Clients that file corrections in AES after the cargo has been exported will receive a late submission notification.
Amended Transaction with New Shipment Reference Number
If the AES filing has been corrected and resubmitted to CBP using a new Shipment Reference Number (SRN), the filer must send an email to the Census Bureau ( with the original SRN, new SRN, and ITN for the new SRN. Make sure to send the original SRN as it appears in the fatal error report.
After verification of the new shipments, the filings will be removed from the client’s fatal error report within one to two weeks. High-volume filers or clients submitting corrections for 10 or more transactions can create a spreadsheet with the required information to expedite the removal of shipments.
Cancelled AES Transaction
For cancelled transactions or transactions that will not be exported, the filer must email the SRN and written resolution (e.g. cancelled or cargo not exported) to the Census Bureau. After verification of the new shipments, the filings will be removed from the client’s fatal error report within one to two weeks.
AES Transaction Filed by Authorized Agents
Authorized agents filing AES transactions on behalf of the USPPI must send an email to with the SRN and written resolution (e.g. filed by authorized agent). After verification of the new shipments, the filings will be removed from the client’s fatal error report within one to two weeks.
Fatal Error Response Code: 123
Fatal error code 123 refers to missing conveyance name or carrier name. The required data elements for input SC1 record are the name of the conveyance, name of the carrier and mode of transportation code. To correct the error, the name of the transport conveyance must be shown on the EEI for marine, air, rail or truck mode of transport.
How to correct:
For ocean cargo, the name of the vessel must be included. For truck, rail, or air cargo, the name of the carrier must be declared. The filer should verify the mode of transport, conveyance, and carrier name, correct the SC1 record, and resubmit the filing in AES.
Fatal Error Response Code: 626
Fatal error response code 626 refers to missing unit of measure code. The text in the message is “1ST UOM CODE MISSING”. The required data element for the Input CL2 Record/Schedule B/HTS Number is the Unit of Measure (1).
How to correct:
The filer should verify the first unit of measure code required by the Schedule B/HTS Number of the shipment, correct the filing, and resubmit in AES.
Fatal Error Response Code: 133
This fatal error indicates that the Port of Export must be an airport. This error occurs when the filer reports a Port of Export that is not allowed for Air cargo.
How to correct:
The filer must change the Port of Exportation Code to match the mode of transport for the shipment and resubmit the transmission.
Fatal Error Response Code: 118
AES sends the fatal error code 118 when the Carrier ID is missing. The Carrier ID identifies the carrier that transports the cargo out of the U.S. The Standard Carrier Alpha Code is valid for ocean, rail and truck shipments, while the International Air Transport Association (IATA) code is valid for air shipments.
How to correct:
The filer must include the Carrier ID for the Mode of Transport and resubmit the report.
The AES Compliance Report is an important part of the shipment information correction process. It shows information about shipments with unresolved fatal errors. Information includes SRNs, AES response codes, AES response narratives, the most common unresolved fatal errors, and resolutions to these errors. The report also contains the client’s AES compliance rate for the last three months, as well as compliance alerts, informational messages, verify messages, and warning messages. These messages are distinct from Fatal Error messages.
Compliance Alert
AES sends a compliance alert when a reporting violation has occurred, such as shipments that were reported late. A compliance alert means that the cargo was not reported according to regulations. The USPPI or the agent must review filing processes and follow export reporting rules to avoid penalties for noncompliance.
Warning Message
AES sends a warning message when the filer flags the Ultimate Consignee as “Sold en Route”. The filer must retrieve the cargo, report the actual consignee, and resend the EEI. EEI that comes with a warning message or verify message must be corrected within four days of receipt of the original transmission.
Verify Messages
AES sends a verify message when shipment data is incompatible with Census Bureau standards. The verify message indicated that the EEI may or may not be correct. The filer must submit a correction if needed. EEI corrections must be resubmitted within four days of receipt of the original transmission.
Informational Messages
AES sends an informational message to the filer for notification purposes only. The filer is not required to take any action.
CrimsonLogic is a leading provider of global trade facilitation solutions. CrimsonLogic is a CBP-approved Service Provider that aims to help clients streamline trade processing and improve compliance. The CrimsonLogic Automated Export System (AES) Software allows filers to transmit electronic export information directly to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) via ACE. CrimsonLogic AES is available as a web-based application or integrated with existing in-house systems (XML Integrated Enterprise).
CrimsonLogic eManifest solutions feature a secure corporate account for enterprise users, 24/7 customer support (including expert assistance on customs compliance issues), streamlined and easy-to-use application that reduces data entry, multiple plans, and connectivity options. There are no extra charges for the set-up and no hidden fees. Visit our website to learn more about AES.
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