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United States Export Management Process

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The United States export management process, using Automated Export System (AES), is ideal for businesses looking to streamline export processing and improve regulatory compliance. The Export management system can be developed in house, but many businesses choose to work with a service provider to reduce costs.


The Automated Export System (AES) is the central platform for information exchange between the government and exporters. The AES has moved from the Census Bureau’s management to CBP’s Automated Commercial Environment (ACE). Since May 2016, bulk upload applications in the legacy AESDirect have been discontinued. Exporters must now use AES in ACE to file Electronic Export Information (EEI) and export manifest data.

Electronic Export Information (EEI)

United States Export Management Process

The Electronic Export Information (EEI) is the digital version of the paper Shipper’s Export Declaration (SED) or Form 7525-V. The EEI is the counterpart of the broker’s entry on the import side. Most commercial goods bound for countries other than Canada require an EEI filing. In general, if the shipment is valued at more than $2,500 or it requires an export license, an EEI filing is required.

CBP and other government agencies use EEI for trade enforcement, while the Census Bureau uses EEI for statistics purposes. Export data is a critical component of economic indicators like the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and it helps the government control outbound goods. For example, the EEI allows customs officials to determine whether merchandise ends up in the hands of unauthorized or dangerous parties.

It is the responsibility of the U.S. Principal Party in Interest (USPPI) to file the EEI. The USPPI is the party the gains the most benefit from the export transaction, usually the exporter, manufacturer, or authorized agent.

EEI Filing Process

Using AES software, the exporter creates a new file and provides complete details about the shipment, parties involved, commodity, and mode of transportation. The exporter may create, save and edit templates for faster filing. AESDirect and AES software features pre-validation to check for errors and ensure that required fields are complete. After submitting the EEI, the system will generate a response message.

An “Accepted” status shows that the shipment has been accepted, and the filer receives an Internal Transaction Number (ITN) as proof of confirmation. If the EEI is rejected, the system will send a rejection message or Fatal Error code. The filer must immediately correct the error, re-submit the filing, and check the ITN for confirmation. The ITN must be shown on all export documentation.


ACE Secure Data Portal

The ACE Secure Data Portal or ACE Portal is a web-based access point for ACE, allowing traders and government agencies to connect to CBP from a single interface. The ACE Portal is designed primarily as an account management and monitoring tool. The legacy AES and AESDirect was moved to the more modern ACE Portal to allow exporters to file Electronic Export Information (EEI) easily.

To access the Portal and run reports, existing importers must create an ACE Exporter account. Exporters new to the ACE platform must first register for an ACE account and create an Exporter account. To apply for an ACE Exporter Account, simply complete the form on the CBP website and wait for the email response.

ACE Portal users can view compliance issues, monitor daily operations, set up payment options, respond to filings, access reports, compile data and perform trend analysis. The ACE Portal also supports the creation of blanket declarations for entry summary processing and nationwide view, access to AD/CVD case management and message database, and access to near real-time data.


AESDirect is an online access point for exporters to report outbound shipments to the U.S. government. AESDirect was previously hosted on the Census Bureau’s server, but it was moved to the ACE Portal in line with the Single Window trade modernization initiative.

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)

While AESDirect in ACE allows exporters to file EEI to CBP free of charge, AESDirect has very limited functionalities, particularly for large businesses and high-volume filers. In AESDirect, exporters have to enter data manually and prepare only one EEI at a time. This is highly impractical for high-volume exporters. Data transmission via Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is the recommended option for large exporters and frequent filers. EDI connects exporters directly to CBP and Census Bureau using a variety of methods.

Exporters may choose to build an EDI connection with CBP and develop AES software, or purchase a software and communication bundle from a third party provider. CBP has a list of approved software vendors that have successfully completed systems testing.


AES in ACE functionalities may be limited for certain business requirements. One of the biggest advantages of using third-party export management software is the value-added services. In addition to EEI filing and export manifest filing capabilities, third-party AES service provider might offer 24/7 customer support and expert assistance on customs matters, including help with complex product classification codes.

Third party export management software can be exactly customized to fit your needs. The application can be integrated with in-house systems or used a standalone service for on-the-go filing. Advanced validation reduces the risk of errors and delays, and improves visibility with automated status notifications.


CrimsonLogic is a CBP-approved provider of leading United States export management software and solutions. CrimsonLogic export management services help exporters and agents save time, reduce costs, and improve productivity with advanced Electronic Export Information and export manifest filing solutions for businesses of all sizes.


CrimsonLogic Automated Export System (AES) service allows exporters to file EEI directly to CBP over a secure connection. CrimsonLogic AES helps companies meet regulatory requirements, optimize in-house export process, and is available in web-based or XML Integrated Enterprise. The web-based AES service can be accessed anywhere with an Internet connection, while the Integration option is designed to be integrated with existing systems for bulk upload and seamless filing.

Visit our AES page to learn more about United States Export Management Process.


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