US ACE Sea or ACE (Automated Commercial Environment) Ocean is the United States’ electronic trade processing system for marine carriers and agents. The goal of US ACE Sea is to speed up the movement of legitimate maritime cargo while improving security by targeting high-risk shipments. Through ACE Ocean, US Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and the trading community can communicate directly and track and manage information about marine cargo moving in and out of the US.
The ACE system serves a single window portal for all trade filings in all modes of transport. ACE Ocean is the only method of submitting advance eManifest information for ocean cargo, and AMS (Automated Manifest System) filings through EDI (electronic data interchange) are no longer accepted. The carrier must use the ACE Ocean system to submit advance electronic manifest and other required documentation to CBP. Advance eManifest data must be transmitted for ocean shipments destined for the US. as well as transshipments 24 hours before the vessel leaves the loading port of origin.
To communicate directly with CBP via ACE, most companies partner with CBP-approved third parties that provide IT infrastructure, connectivity and other logistics services. Third parties offer US ACE Sea solutions that help clients comply with changing Customs regulations. Clients can connect via web-based front-end applications or EDI-based software. These solutions can be customized to your business’ needs and capabilities, whether you are a small or midsize shipper or a large, multinational carrier.
For businesses that already have the necessary IT infrastructure and support, ACE Ocean solutions can be easily integrated into your existing freight/warehouse management system or enterprise resource planning (ERP) software. ACE Ocean programs can save your business time and money by eliminating paper-based and manual processes, reducing errors and rework caused by manual data entry, and speeding up cargo clearance processing through automation. For SMBs, third party solutions can connect you directly to CBP without significant upfront investment.
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