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ABI 005 – What is the new Entry Type 86 for entry of Section 321 low-valued shipments?

The new Entry Type 86 for Section 321 low-valued shipments in ABI provides greater visibility into low value shipments, improving import safety and security. 

What will change in ACE?

  • Users that ship low-value products will benefit from this new enhancement. By using entry type 86 transaction, users can send data about their shipments through the Automated Broker Interface (ABI), including information about the importer and/or consignee. They will also receive electronic release messages from CBP for these low value shipments.
  • Entry type 86 will be available for CBP and users to review through ACE Reports. This new entry type will allow one bill per entry.
  • This will allow for an entry to be filed with PGA data for a shipment of $800 or less.

Who will be impacted?

  • Customs Brokers and ABI Self Filers

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