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ABI 017 – What is the new In-bond Export Date validation in the ACE Truck Manifest EDI message?

CBP is adding new validation to the processing of Standard Truck Manifest X.12 transaction set 353 (Events Advisory) and EDIFCAT CUSREP (Events Reporting) messages used by Trade to report an in-bond export. The error “166 EXPRT DATE BEFORE ARR DATE” will result when Trade attempts to transmit an in-bond export date that is prior to the in-bond’s actual arrival date.

As of next update, truck manifest response (X. 12 transaction set 355 and EDI-FACT CUSRES) message implementation guides will include a new error. This will fix occasions where in-bond export transactions are not processed because of an invalid export date; a condition for which trade users do not receive any rejection error

The validation is scheduled to move to the ACE Certification environment on March 10, 2021, and to ACE Production on March 20th. 

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