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ACE Air 50 – When Are 1C Messages Received for AMS Air eManifest?

Cargo release entry statuses “Admissible” and “Released” have different meanings. “”Released”” means that the cargo/entry has been cleared by the CBP, while “Admissible” is a new status which means that a carrier transmitted bill match has occurred for an ACE Cargo Release entry, there are no bill and/or entry-level holds, but the variable release window has not yet been reached as shown below.

Once an entry achieves “Admissible” status, CBP may still inspect the cargo and/or request document review prior to release. However, the filer does not need to take any further action once “”Admissible”” status is achieved. An entry’s “”Admissible”” status will change to “”Released”” once the variable release window is reached, provided there are no subsequent holds at the entry or bill level. An “Admissible” entry status only applies if the entries are filed outside the release window.

The Variable Release Window is the earliest time in the ACE Cargo Release process when a “Released” status or other entry disposition such as a “hold” can be achieved and messaged to the filer and carrier.

For air, we provide status updates on flights either when we receive the flight departure message (FDM) from the carrier or when the flight arrives at the first U.S. port.

Houston, we have a problem!

We are currently fixing this spaceship, so you might experience a bumpy flight.