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ACE Highway 34 – What does it mean when I receive an error when I try to modify/deactivate driver’s information with Fast Card number?
  1. If the driver has a fast card, it will be automatically accepted once you save it in Code Maintenance. Submission is not required.
  2. You cannot modify the driver’s profile if the driver has a fast card. They will need to contact the FAST Center.

Change of Information:

You must notify CBP and CBSA of any change in the address provided as part of your FAST Commercial Driver application. This may be done in person at a FAST Enrollment Center, via the internet using your GOES account, or by contacting the Canadian Processing Centre at 1-800-842- 7647 between the hours of 8:30 am -16:30 pm Eastern Standard Time (EST) or by fax to (905) 354-2332.


Toll Free: 855-USE GOES (873-4637)
Outside the United States: 202-325-8060

Houston, we have a problem!

We are currently fixing this spaceship, so you might experience a bumpy flight.