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ACE In-Bond 04 – How can I obtain a filer code?

Importers, brokers or carriers seeking a filer code, must write a letter to the Port Director of the port where their entries are filed, to the attention of the Broker Management Officer. If you have operations at more than one port, make your request to the port where you conduct most of your business.

The following information must be provided in the letter:

  1. The name and address of the company with a contact person and their number;
  2. The company’s federal tax ID or Importer number, if the requestor is an individual, their social security number
  3. The role of the entity requesting a filer code (i.e. importer, exporter or carrier)

Once assigned a filer code, an importer, exporter or carrier can conduct Customs business under the same filer code whether they are importing, exporting or a carrier transporting freight in bond from one port to another.

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