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ACE In-Bond 31 – Can you provide a summary of all the statuses in the in-bond process?
  1. On File: An in-bond will have this status when it has first been created, but before the shipment enters the U.S.
  2. Arrived: As soon as an in-bond reaches its destination port in the U.S., and is electronically reported to CBP, it will attain Arrived status. For in-bonds of type Immediate Transportation, this completes the in-bond process and the in-bond is considered closed.
  3. Exported: In-bond export means the in-bond shipments are exported when they have left the U.S. or when they are yet to be exported. Once the in-bond is exported, it must be reported and submitted to CBP within 2 business days after it occurs. A Transportation and Exportation in-bond or an Immediate Export in-bond must arrive before it can be exported.

For in-bonds of type Transportation and Exportation and Immediate Export, this completes the in-bond move and “closes” the in-bond.

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