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ACE Ocean 24 – What are anti-dumping (AD) and countervailing (CV) duties?

Dumping occurs when foreign manufacturers sell goods in the United States less than fair value, causing injury to the U.S. industry. AD cases are company specific; their duties are calculated to bridge the gap back to a fair market value.

CVD cases are established when a foreign government provides assistance and subsidies, such as tax breaks to manufacturers that export goods to the U.S., enabling the manufacturers to sell goods cheaper than domestic manufacturers. CVD cases are country-specific, and the duties are calculated to duplicate the value of the subsidy.

When either of these occurs, petitions are filed by U.S. manufacturers or businesses with the International Trade Commission (ITC). If the ITC finds evidence of injury to the U.S. industry, the Department of Commerce (DOC) does an investigation. If the results are positive, CBP withholds liquidation of entries and collects AD/CVD duties. The entries are not liquidated until the DOC instructs CBP headquarters to do so.

How can one obtain a list of goods by country subject to ADD/CD?

One can obtain a list of goods that are subject to Antidumping or Countervailing duties on the Department of Commerce website.

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