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ACE Ocean 69 – Who is eligible to use the AMS OCEAN system for customs filings?

AMS OCEAN is a module of the Automated Manifest System (AMS) that is used by the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) agency to track the movement of vessels and cargo in the international trade system. To be eligible for AMS OCEAN, an import business or its agent must be registered with the CBP and must have a valid Customs bond on file. In addition, the import business or its agent must have the necessary systems and processes in place to transmit electronic data to the CBP in accordance with the AMS requirements.

Typical parties include but are not limited to:

  1. Second Notify Party (SNP)
  2. Ocean Carriers
  3. Service bureaus
  4. Vendors
  5. Non-Vessel Operating Common Carriers (NVOCC)
  6. Port Authorities

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