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ACI Air 006 – What are the advanced reporting time frame requirements in ACI Air?

Continuous bonds to CBP (U.S. Customs) do not have an expiration date. They are valid until terminated (or CBP placing the bond into insufficient status).

The insurance company requires an annual payment of premium charge. If not paid, the surety would release termination of the bond.

If paid, a new bond is not issued each year. The only way to verify if a bond is in force is to run a query with CBP (U.S. Customs). Such a query would verify if the bond is in force as of that date.

Conveyances with commercial cargo and a flight in excess of 4 hours
4 hours prior to arrival
Conveyances with commercial cargo and a flight less than 4 hours
Before aircraft's time of departure
Commercial cargo (including split shipment cargo) on a flight in excess of 4 hours
4 hours prior to arrival
Commercial cargo (including split shipment cargo) on a flight less than 4 hours
Before aircraft's time of departure
Supplementary Cargo Reports for commercial cargo on a flight in excess of 4 hours
4 hours prior to arrival
Supplementary Cargo Reports for commercial cargo on a flight less than 4 hours
Before aircraft's time of departure
Conveyance Arrival Certification Message
After the aircraft is cleared by NAVCAN to land at an airport following arrival in Canada

Houston, we have a problem!

We are currently fixing this spaceship, so you might experience a bumpy flight.