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ACI eHBL 031 – Can a freight forwarder authorize another party to transmit the pre-arrival house bill, house bill close message, and supplementary data on their behalf?

Yes, the freight forwarder has the option to appoint a service provider or an agent to carry out the transmission of the pre-arrival house bill, house bill close message, and supplementary data. However, it is important to note that the carrier code on the electronic transmission must belong to the freight forwarder and not the service provider or agent. The responsibility for the completeness, accuracy, and timeliness of the transmitted data lies with the carrier code owner. In order for the CBSA to communicate with the agent or service provider transmitting on behalf of the freight forwarder, the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Application for Advance Commercial Information (ACI) form must be completed by the freight forwarder and the relevant agents or service providers must be identified. If there are any changes in the authorization of agents or service providers, the freight forwarder must complete the Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Application for Advance Commercial Information (ACI) form. 

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