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ACI eHBL 058 – What is a Deconsolidation Notice?

A Deconsolidation Notice is an electronic notification sent by the CBSA (Canada Border Services Agency) to freight forwarders, warehouse operators, and carriers. It indicates that the CBSA has authorized the transfer of control from a consolidated shipment to the individual secondary house bills. This notice serves as an electronic authorization for the freight forwarder to take possession of the goods and also informs the party responsible for duties and taxes that the consolidated shipment has been cleared. To receive the Deconsolidation Notice, clients must register with the Technical Commercial Client Unit and it is currently only available through EDI. Clients who use the eManifest Portal can print out the house bill close message as an alternative. 

Houston, we have a problem!

We are currently fixing this spaceship, so you might experience a bumpy flight.