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ACI eHBL 080 – I received the rejection “W80: Release cannot be related to a consolidated cargo or House Bill”. What does it mean?

The rejection “W80: Release cannot be related to a consolidated cargo or House Bill” means that the Cargo Control Number (CCN) that you used on your release entry is either for a consolidated cargo or a House Bill. This rejection typically occurs when the broker/importer tries to clear their shipment with customs by declaring that the cargo is consolidated, but the freight forwarder has filed the shipment as non-consolidated on the eHBL manifest. To resolve the rejection, either the broker/importer or the freight forwarder must update their filing to match the shipment consolidation indicator. Alternatively, you can contact the carrier to confirm if the CCN is consolidated, and if it is, you will need to obtain a new CCN and correct your transaction. If the CCN is not consolidated, the carrier may contact the TCCU hotline for further assistance. 

Houston, we have a problem!

We are currently fixing this spaceship, so you might experience a bumpy flight.