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ACI eHBL 153 – For flying trucks, can Customs clearance be on a PARS issued by the trucker?

A genuine Flying Truck shipment is a road feeder service designated on the MAWB and headed to a Canadian airport. The trucker is required to transport the shipment to the airline’s warehouse, where it will be handled like an air shipment. Usually, the Customs release request will not be present on the Highway carrier CCN or the Highway carrier PARS CCN. 

Note: In the event that a Customs broker receives a truck Highway manifest for a Flying Truck shipment (as some road feeder services are presently doing, or utilizing an 8000 CCN manifest), the broker may proceed with clearing the Customs entries on these manifests until CBSA presents a well-defined process for Flying Trucks, which all RFS (road feeder services) must adhere to.

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