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ACI eHBL 209 – We have a non-bonded freight forwarder 8000 code. If in the future we decide to become a bonded freight forwarder, what is the difference between a bonded freight forwarder and a bonded warehouse?

There are multiple types of bonds that can be issued by the CBSA. In order to become a bonded freight forwarder, you must register with the CBSA and provide a $25,000 freight forwarder bonded carrier code bond. On the other hand, to become a bonded Sufferance warehouse, you must comply with the Sufferance Warehouse regulations detailed in Customs Memorandum D4-1-4 and provide any necessary bond. These are two distinct business categories.

There are also two types of bonded warehouses: Customs Sufferance Warehouses (as described in D4-1-4) and Customs Bonded Warehouses (as described in D7-4-4). Goods can be authorized for release from a CW warehouse or can be authorized to move in bond to a Customs Bonded warehouse for a duration of up to 4 or 5 years, without payment of duties and taxes until an ex-bond entry is submitted and released for either all or part of the goods.

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