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ACI eHBL 220 – Until the implementation of eHBL, has ACI for air normally been filed by origin? In the future, will the destination agent be responsible for eManifest? In other words, should origin still file ACI, and should destination file eManifest to avoid penalties? Should both ACI and eHBL be filed?

As of January 4, 2021, it is the responsibility of the freight forwarder to ensure that the eHBL data set and the Close Message are filed within the air timeframes, typically four hours prior to arrival at the first Canadian airport. If the Canadian or destination forwarder chooses to allow its agent at origin to file the eHBL and Close Message under its 8000 code, that is acceptable, but the overseas agent becomes liable for the data being true and correct and for meeting the timelines. CIFFA strongly advises Canadian freight forwarders to consider re-writing agency agreements to ensure that they receive the house bill data from their agent or origin office in advance of the deadline to file the eHBL data and Close Message under their 8000 code. The eHBL can be transmitted up to 90 days before the cargo arrives in Canada, so there should be sufficient notice. Each Canadian company must make its own decisions about how to proceed. 

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