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ACI eHBL 249 – Regarding FROB cargo, what is the freight forwarder responsible for filing when they have a house bill shipment for Montreal, the carrier vessel calls Halifax first, then discharges the Montreal cargo in New York for the primary carrier arranged transport into Canada?

For FROB (Foreign Cargo Remaining On Board) movements, a supplementary report is required for each consolidated shipment. When the shipment returns to Canada as an import movement, an eHBL 8000 will be required for each shipment, which will be linked to a truck or rail primary cargo control number. It is important to note that the CCN used for the electronic supplementary transmission cannot be used for the electronic house bill transmission. The CBSA is working on a system enhancement to allow the same number to be used for different movement types, but this functionality is not yet available. It is recommended to use an “S” for the S10 Supplementary if using the same 8000 number until the CBSA can fix the issue. 

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