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ACI eHBL 284 – What is the difference between back-to-back and buyer’s consolidations?

Single shipments, which are also known as back-to-back shipments, involve both a freight forwarder and a primary carrier and are destined for the same primary warehouse as the primary cargo control number (CCN). For ACI/eManifest transmissions, single shipments are considered consolidated. Buyers’ consolidations, on the other hand, are a group of single shipments documented on electronic house bill transmissions under one house bill close message and are destined for the same primary warehouse as the primary CCN. All shipments are for the same importer, and the electronic house bills must be destined to the same sufferance warehouse/terminal. Back-to-Back and Buyer’s Consolidated shipments are the only two consolidated shipment types allowed to clear out of a primary warehouse. The primary CCN will display the consolidated indicator as “Y” on the highway/rail cargo or Supplementary Data as “Y” on the air/marine cargo. The eHB(s) will show all shipper and consignee information and complete description, and the DECON notice will only trigger after all eHBs are released or acquitted. 

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