- Carrier brings consolidated shipment into Canada.
- Shipment needs to go to the primary warehouse.
- Carrier advises freight forwarder that their consolidation has arrived at the warehouse and provides the freight forwarder a copy of the waybill.
- Freight forwarder must then take that waybill into the CBSA office with the paper house bills.
- BSO reviews the house bills and approves the proposed deconsolidation by stamping the paper waybill.
- Freight forwarder returns to primary warehouse with stamped waybill to take the goods to a CW warehouse.
- Once the goods are arrived at final destination (CW), consignees get a copy of the paper house bills, and they can use them to obtain release.
- Carrier and freight forwarder submit electronic pre-arrival cargo information.
- Carrier submits electronic conveyance information.
- Conveyance, primary cargo information and house bills are all linked in CBSA systems.
- Cargo can move in bond or obtain FPOA release if release is on file and in good status.
- When conveyance arrives at FPOA, cargo is reported.
- If final destination for cargo is at FPOA, electronic release can occur for electronic house bills. Only Back-to-Back and Buyer’s Consolidation can be released at FPOA.
- If moving in bond, cargo can obtain electronic release once the goods are at final destination warehouse. Only Back-to-Back and Buyer’s Consolidations can be released from a primary warehouse.
- Cargo cannot be released until arrived by a CACM or WACM.