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ACI Highway 019 – What must the driver present to the customs officer when arriving at the border in Canada?

Under ACI, the driver must present an ACI cover sheet to the customs officer. The cover sheet allows the officer to bring up the ACI eManifest in their system.

The cover sheet must have either:

  1. A barcoded Conveyance Reference Number (aka Trip Number), or
  2. A barcoded Cargo Control Number and a handwritten Conveyance Reference Number, or
  3. A handwritten Conveyance Reference Number on the cover sheet presented with a separate page with a barcoded Cargo Control Number (e.g. invoice with a PARS sticker)

The officer will stamp the lead sheet only as proof of report, they will no longer stamp individual shipments. The carrier has a responsibility to keep the stamped cover sheet as proof of report. 

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