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ACI Highway 032 – I received a rejection saying “Conveyance Trailer Related CCN Port code on manifest must equal port on conveyance.” What does it mean?

Either Trip or Cargo has incorrect port of entry. It should be the same. 


  1. Check both manifest and cargo tab.
  2. Change the field that has incorrect port.
  3. Make sure you hit ‘Save’ button.
  4. Scenario:
    If Trip is AC, Cargo is RJ = Send Trip as Modify | Send Cargo as Add
    If Trip is RJ, Cargo is AC = Send Trip as Add | Send Cargo as Modify
    If both are in RJ status = Send both as Add
    If it came back as RJ status (invalid status of request) = Send both as Modify

Houston, we have a problem!

We are currently fixing this spaceship, so you might experience a bumpy flight.