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ACI Highway 038 – When should I use In-Bond as the Cargo Type?

An In Bond is a type of cargo designation used by the Canadian Border Services Agency (CBSA) for the movement of goods that have not yet received customs release. This process allows for the inland transportation of goods while they await customs clearance. Only bonded highway carriers are eligible to use the In Bond process, as non-bonded carriers cannot move goods in bond. The process starts when the carrier reports the shipment as In Bond on their ACI eManifest and presents a paper A8A form at the border. The shipment is then authorized for movement to a specified warehouse or CBSA office, where it will await customs release. The carrier must wait for a customs broker to file a formal entry before the goods can be removed from the warehouse and delivered to the consignee. For more information on becoming a bonded carrier, refer to the instructions on the CBSA website. 

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We are currently fixing this spaceship, so you might experience a bumpy flight.