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ACI Highway 045 – What are the CSA reporting requirements?

CSA reporting requirements support a streamlined border clearance process and vary by mode. CSA clearance is used to request the “”authority to deliver”” CSA-eligible commercial goods that are imported by a CSA-approved importer. A distinctive feature of the CSA environment is that cargo documents are not required to clear CSA-approved shipments. However, when requested by a border services officer, the reporting CSA-approved carrier must provide satisfactory evidence concerning the discharge of goods imported into Canada. The CSA-approved carrier is required to have the records, systems, audit trails and linkages in place to support the CSA process.

Required information in approved bar-code format:

  1. The CSA-approved carrier’s identification — a four-character carrier code;
  2. The CSA-approved importer’s identification — a 15-digit business number; and
  3. The registered driver’s identification number — highway mode only.

CSA clearance facilitates the direct delivery of eligible goods to the importer, owner or consignee. For more information regarding the presentation of bar codes at the PIL, see Memorandum D3-1-7, Customs Self Assessment Program for Carriers. 

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