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ACI Highway 058 – How do I declare “Goods Astray”?

Goods Astray is a Canadian shipment type that can be declared either as In-Bond or as PARS. When advised by CBSA, the shipment may be declared as In-Bond and a unique in-bond destination code may be provided to the client.

Regardless of the declaration, the carrier must provide a unique Cargo Control Number, as well as all necessary information, such as Shipper, Consignee, and Commodity details, required for an ACI shipment. No customs broker should be involved in this type of informal entry, and the carrier will not receive a Transaction Number for the shipment.

Upon arrival at the border, the driver must be prepared to present paperwork for the shipment that was exported, as well as any documentation that supports the un-deliverable nature of the load. In case of any uncertainty regarding the required documentation, the highway carrier should contact the CBSA port of arrival for clarification. 

Houston, we have a problem!

We are currently fixing this spaceship, so you might experience a bumpy flight.