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ACI Ocean 15 – How can I be authorized as a carrier to report break-bulk cargo 24 hours before arrival instead of 24 hours before loading with the CBSA?

A carrier of break-bulk cargo may apply to the CBSA for an authorization. Requests for this authorization can be forwarded to:

Contraband Programs
13th floor SRS 191 Laurier Ave.
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0L8

Information to be provided in the request for authorization includes:

  • The name and address of the applicant and of the marine carrier (if not the applicant);
  • The source and list of the goods;
  • The ports of departure of the vessels;
  • A list of all the ports of call of the vessels;
  • The means of packaging or bundling of the goods;
  • The number of the vessels;
  • Name of the vessels;
  • The International Maritime Organization number (IMO) assigned to the vessels
  • The names and addresses of the shippers, importers and Business Number if applicable (identify any who are members of Partners in Protection)

Carriers, who have applied to U.S. Customs and Border Protection for a break-bulk authorization for the same goods, should also provide a copy of U.S. CBP’s authorization with their request.

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