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ACI Ocean 27 – How do I create a Marine Conveyance (A6)?

Carrier is responsible for the data transmission of marine conveyance (A6) electronically to CBSA.

A6 is the Conveyance Report

STEP 1: In A6 menu,
Create A6 Inward – is the report for the vessel leaving the foreign port
Create A6 Departure – is the report for the vessel leaving the CBSA port

STEP 2: In Header tab: provide information that indicates mandatory field (*)

In Vessel Section: provide information that indicates mandatory field (*)

STEP 3: You may click ‘Validate’ button to check if you missed out some mandatory fields, then you may hit “Save & Proceed” button. The portal will re direct you to a new tab.

STEP 4: Certificates tab: provide information that indicates mandatory field (*) and click “Save & Proceed” button once done.

STEP 5: Partners tab: provide information that indicates mandatory field (*) and click “Save & Proceed” button once done.

  • Shipping Line
  • Ships Owner
  • Ships Agent

STEP 6: Itinerary tab: provide information that indicates mandatory field (*) and click “Save” button once done.

Houston, we have a problem!

We are currently fixing this spaceship, so you might experience a bumpy flight.