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Importer Security Filing 031 – I received rejection “SA7 CONT BOND NOT ON FILE / S17 ISF IMP NBR NOT ON FILE”. What does it mean?

On October 22, 2020, the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) will be implementing changes to the processing of Importer Security Filing (ISF) submissions through the Cargo and Automatic Manifest Interface Requirements (CAMIR) system. The change will ensure that the system processing follows the guidelines outlined in the Implementation Guide regarding the reporting of ISF entities using an Employer Identification Number (EIN). The valid format for the EIN is NN-NNNNNNNXX, but previously the CBP would accept NN-NNNNNNN as well. After October 22, 2020, the CBP will start rejecting ISF submissions that do not follow the correct format as specified in the Implementation Guide. Changes to the CATAIR system will be made at a later date and will be announced through an additional Cargo Systems Messaging Service (CSMS) message. If you have any questions about this change, you can contact your assigned Client Representative. 

If you got this Rejection:

How to Resolve: 

ADD Zeros on the following part and resubmit:

  1. ISF Importer Document Number
  2. Bond Holder Number
  3. Importer of Record
  4. Consignee

* If still Rejected after doing the above mentioned steps. Call GeTS support to do a Status Query to check Validity of the Importer Bond. 

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