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Importer Security Filing 101 – What is the difference between a House Bill of Lading and a Straight or Master Bill of Lading?

The House Bill of Lading (HBL) is issued by the NVOCC/Freight Forwarder to the customer and is a copy of the MBL, which is issued by the Shipping Line (Carrier) to the NVOCC/Freight Forwarder.

The Master Bill of Lading (MBL) is also known as a Straight Bill of Lading and is issued directly to the importer or for record-keeping purposes. The only difference between the HBL and MBL is the information about the shipper, consignee, and notify party, which will be different on the two documents. 

Houston, we have a problem!

We are currently fixing this spaceship, so you might experience a bumpy flight.