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Integrated Import Declaration 004 – How do I create an LVS shipment?

To Create LVS

Click IID Declaration >> Create LVS. The LVS Create Page will be displayed. 

LVS Create Page

All mandatory fields will be displayed with * and must be filled in by the users. 

  1. Enter the month e.g 03 and year e.g 2019 to search for list of B3 which total value for duty less than CAD $2500.
  2. Select list of B3 that will be summarized in new LVS. At least two B3 records to be selected.
  3. Enter the information in the following fields.
  4. Click button. Record has been saved successfully message will be displayed as below.
  5. The generated LVS details is not editable. However you can edit the notification details.
  6. The generated LVS can be search from the LVS search page as described in next section.

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