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Integrated Import Declaration 021 – If an importer considers the country of origin for CFIA regulated goods to be Canada, how do they declare this via the SWI IID (SO911)?

According to the ECCRD CFIA Appendix B.1, if the country of source is Canada, the CFIA should be contacted directly. If a SWI IID transaction containing CFIA regulated goods with a country of origin deemed to be Canada is to be submitted, the “Country of Origin” should be declared as Canada and the “Country of Source” should be declared as “US” (United States) with the “Exporting Country” as New York, and the “End Use Code” should be Canadian Goods Returning (if AIRS requires an end use be declared).

Note that this is not applicable for entries outside the SWI initiative’s scope or require paper processing upon arrival at the border, which are not currently included as an IID EDI transmission option. 

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