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ACI Highway 040 – Is the Sublocation code necessary for In-Bond?

When reporting an In Bond shipment in ACI eManifest, it’s important to remember that the Sub location field, which is normally optional, becomes a mandatory field that must be filled out in the cargo section. This Cargo Type is unique in that the Release Office should be different from the First Canadian Port of Entry. In this case, the Release Office should be the customs office that oversees the warehouse where the goods are expected to be released.

In addition to including the In Bond information in the ACI eManifest, the driver must also present a completed paper A8A form to the officer at the border. The A8A form should include the Cargo Control Number, but it is no longer necessary to have it bar-coded as was previously required.

Since In Bond goods are not cleared before arriving in Canada, the carrier will not receive a Transaction Number or other clearance information from the Customs Broker until after the goods have crossed the border and been delivered to the sufferance warehouse. 

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